The graffiti & street art inspired artwork on our black Press Corpse Tee was created by @borisbobz for our limited edition collection Media Dementia.
It represents an old man driving a carriage pulled by a zombie-like young lady who is brainwashed by the newspaper.
The old man represents the media, which manipulates the masses by using methods that have been used regularly during history.
The vulture represents the system, which awaits that the media’s job is carried over properly to take advantage of the unconscious and helpless mass.
The young lady pulling the carriage like a donkey (symbol of ignorance) represents the mass, which is the one that is brainwashed and exploited, allowing the system to be alive and healthy.
This graffiti & street art inspired aims to communicate in a provocative way the ease with which, too often, people get brainwashed by what they read or see in the media.
This can have dangerous consequences by influencing people’s behavior who end up being like unaware puppets.